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Welcome to World Harvest Community Church

Whether you are brand new to the church thing or you've been around church for a while; we want to say welcome! Our goal at World Harvest Community Church is to create environments and experiences where you can encounter God in the midst of your life. When you come to World Harvest Community Church on a weekend, our aim is that you would be inspired by the music, encouraged by the message, welcomed by our amazing community of people and be reminded that God's grace is here!

We are a Body of Believers from all walks of life that love God and people. Overwhelmed by the gift of Salvation we have found in Jesus, we strive for authentic worship and a desire to share this Gospel with a hungry world.


Join Us

Sunday Celebration @ 12:00 PM

Wednesday Bible Study @ 6:30 PM


3441 West Montague Ave North Charleston, SC 29418

Directly across the street from North Charleston Coliseum and Performing Arts Center
